3 Facts About the Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Dec 26, 2016

Plantar fasciitis is an ailment that may be more common than many of us think. In fact, it is one of the most common causes of pain affecting the bottom of the heel. Plantar fascia is that flat band of ligament that connects your heel bone with your toes. When this becomes weak, irritated and swollen, it may hurt to walk or even stand.

Below are 3 important facts you should know about treatment for plantar fasciitis.

Treatment for Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis Affects Millions Every Year

As many as two million patients need treatment for plantar fasciitis each year. This injury occurs because of overuse and strain of the ligament due to a number of activities. One of the most common causes is due to sports injuries. Patients commonly feel pain right after getting out of bed or sitting for an extended period. If treatment for plantar fasciitis not sought, it can even affect the way you walk.

Some Are More Prone to Developing Plantar Fasciitis Than Others

According to the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society, you are more likely to suffer from plantar fasciitis if you are overweight, female or flat-footed. This ailment is also more common among middle-aged persons than younger people. Those who stand on hard surfaces during or who run are also particularly susceptible.

A Number of Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis Carry Serious Risks

Today, there are many options when seeking treatment for plantar fasciitis. Some doctors may recommend steroid injections. However, these can weaken or even rupture the plantar fascia ligament. Undergoing surgery as a treatment for plantar fasciitis is also risky. It can cause infection, bleeding and even a serious reaction to anesthetic drugs. Furthermore, a plantar fascia detachment can cause permanent nerve and foot damage. Gastrocnemius resection can also end up causing nerve damage as well. Each treatment for plantar fasciitis inherits some risk, thus requires serious consideration.

Sports medicine is a great drug-free and surgery preventative treatment for plantar fasciitis. If you think you are suffering from plantar fasciitis, make sure you see a sports medicine doctor right away. Remember, the longer you wait to undergo sports injury treatment, the more pain and damage you will suffer.

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