Athletic Injury Treatment Methods / Modalities

Here at Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine clinic, it’s our mission to offer the most advanced athletic medicine combined with the latest in muscle, fascia, and joint care. You will receive the best combination of hands-on care and the most exclusive therapeutic modalities available in Austin, all with the intention of decreasing pain and accelerating healing and recovery. Our athletic medicine doctor strives not only to get you back to your game but to find and correct the cause of your athletic injuries. It is with that goal in mind that Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine patients can receive the following athletic injury treatment methods:



Spinal decompression therapy involves decompressing the spine with the goal of relieving back pain and/or leg pain. Decompression of the spine takes pressure off the spinal discs, which are gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine, by creating negative pressure in the disc. As a result, bulging or herniated disks may retract, taking pressure off nerves and other structures in your spine. This in turn helps promote movement of water, oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids into the disks so they can heal. Spinal decompression may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


EPAT is the most advanced and highly effective non-invasive treatment method cleared by the FDA for the treatment of soft tissue injuries that are slow to heal or won’t heal. This technology is based on a unique set of pressure waves that stimulate metabolism, enhance blood circulation and accelerate the healing process. EPAT shockwave therapy is a breakthrough treatment option for acute or chronic musculoskeletal pain. EPAT may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


Graston Technique is an evidence-based form of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization that enables clinicians to effectively address scar tissue and fascial restrictions. This myofascial release technique is spectacular for re-organizing muscle fibers and allowing them to heal correctly after a muscle strain or pull. Graston Technique may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


FDM is a myofascial release treatment model in which virtually all soft tissue injuries or musculoskeletal complaints are viewed through 1 or more of the 6 different types of alterations to the body’s connective tissues. The patient’s verbal and physical descriptions coupled with the mechanism of injury and relevant orthopedic tests will lead the practitioner to the proper form of soft tissue treatment. Fascial distortion model may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based myofascial release technique that treats problems with muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and nerves. The doctor’s hands are used to evaluate the texture, tightness and movement of muscles, fascia, tendons, ligaments and nerves. Abnormal tissues are treated by combining precisely directed tension with very specific patient movements. Active release technique may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


Dry needling is an art of myofascial release where acupuncture needles are used to deactivate trigger points and release taut muscles. Here a new micro trauma is induced to a tissue that is slow to heal or won’t heal, thus stimulating healing. Dry needling may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


This unique therapeutic system delivers a pulsed electromagnetic field into your cells. PEMF will allow your body to deal with pain better, recover faster, and function at a higher level. PEMF is much safer and far less invasive than direct current, electrical stimulation, or other electrical based modalities. Unlike those technologies, no electricity passes from the unit into the user. Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


Endermo sport is a form of myofascial release that “lifts and rolls” the fascia leading to increased blood flow, decreased muscle tension, improved range of motion, fewer injuries and a sharp reduction in DOMS (delayed onset muscle fatigue). We have had excellent results with this tool on chronic overuse shoulder injuries. Endermo sport may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


Localized cryotherapy, targeted to a specific muscle area or spasm, is applied via a localized device for 20-60 seconds. Localized cold air treatments reach -25° to -40° F. This has been proven to produce more beneficial results compared to the normal 15-20 minute localized icing. Cryotherapy may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


We have had excellent results with expediting the body’s ability to heal “quickly” with this modality. The application of two frequencies (630-830) in conjunction with Far Infrared light, has proven quite successful for our patients. Reducing pain, inflammation, and edema; for promoting healing of wounds, deeper tissues, and nerves; and for preventing tissue damage resulting from sports injuries. Led laser therapy may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


AIS is an innovative stretching technique by Aaron Mattes. AIS utilizes the principal of “reciprocal inhibition”, allowing for the tightest of muscles to relax. Active isolated stretching may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


Our approach to acupuncture is anatomically based. It is a combination of key acupuncture points, key neurologic points and key homeostatic points. It is excellent for musculoskeletal disorders. Neuroanatomical acupuncture may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


FMS is a quantifiable exam that measures symmetry, stability and mobility, not strength. After an evaluation and screening, a customized corrective exercise prescription is given to the patient. This screen has proven to be a high predictor of future injury. Functional movement screen may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


ATM provides immediate and long-lasting benefits to many back, neck, shoulder, pelvis, hip, and knee sufferers. By definition ATM consist of active neuromuscular movements superimposed upon a specific passive holding. ATM aim to immediately alter symptoms, by affecting the Central Nervous System (CNS) control. Active therapeutic movements may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


RockTape is a light elastic tape that lifts the skin on application and allows for activation of proprioceptors, increased mobility of tissue beneath the tape and increased muscle activation. Kinesiology taping may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


This compression therapy technology uses pulses of sound energy called “acoustic waves” to treat painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system whether caused by athletic injury, overuse, accident or aging. Acoustic compression therapy may be recommended for your sports injury treatment plan.


The Neubie helps to increase strength and sports performance, decreases pain, and increases the speed of recovery from injury.


Body tempering is a form of soft tissue mobilization performed by rolling weighted cylinders across muscles and joints. Think of this as foam rolling on steroids!