man with shoulder pain
TOS happens when the blood vessels compress.

Thoracic outlet syndrome or TOS is when the blood vessels in our both compress near the collarbone and first rib. Once this occurs, you may being to feel pain in your neck or shoulders or numbness in your fingers. This is the direct result of the problems that you have with your blood vessels and nerves in that part of the body. But what causes this condition? And what is the best way to treat TOS to avoid any long-term complications or pain?


What are the causes of thoracic outlet syndrome?

The most common reason for thoracic outlet syndrome is a result of a car accident. The trauma that a person experiences is often centered on specific parts of the body. These include the neck, ribs and collarbone area. That is why neck strains are so common after a car accident. If the trauma impacts the area between your collarbone and first rib, there is a chance you will develop TOS. Another major cause of the condition is the repetitive strain due to playing sports. Repeated trauma during sports may cause issues with your blood vessels and nerves. Those issues can translate to the pain and/or numbness you are now feeling.

What are the symptoms of thoracic outlet syndrome?

Symptoms include neck and shoulder pain paired with constant tingling in your fingers. A weakened grip when you hold things in your hands and hand pain are also symptoms of TOS.

What is the treatment for thoracic outlet syndrome?

The best way to treat thoracic outlet syndrome is to seek medical assistance. If you are looking for a natural, drug-free treatment, sports medicine may be a good fit. By contacting our sports medicine doctor at Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine clinic, you are rest assured to receive the best treatment. Dr. Bob Meyer has 21+ years of experience treating sports injuries and patients with chronic pain. He can diagnose your condition and recommend the ideal sports injury treatment plan to get you healthy and pain-free.

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